Costs of an executor limited

Rebecca Mogford   The Proceedings related to a challenge brought by a beneficiary in respect of costs incurred in the administration of an estate. It should be noted that this case has had a number of hearings and there were a number of areas challenged, however, this article relates to the specific issue of administration…

Wrong in Law but not unreasonable

Helen Appleby This Article considers the implications of Cost Orders following Judgement for the losing party. As with all Proceedings, the conduct of each party is a pivotal point for the Court to consider when determining the basis upon which Costs are to be paid. Indemnity costs are often sought by the successful party, particularly…

Points of Dispute and Jurisdiction

Rebecca Mogford    Astor Bristol Ltd and Ors v Bristol School of Performing Arts Ltd (LAND REGISTRATION – COSTS) [2021] UKUT 43 (LC) This case involved a question over jurisdiction and whether the First-tier Tribunal (FTT) incorrectly struck out the Points of Dispute that had been filed as a consequence of the appellant failing to…