Judicial Review of extension of FRCs

Avi Dolties Judicial Review of extension of FRCs In August 2023, APIL issued judicial review proceedings against the government challenging several elements of the new rules to extend FRC in personal injury cases. There were four key grounds to the challenge: The first was in relation to clinical negligence claims, in particular the failure to…

CPRC Minutes for February 2024

Avi Dolties On review of the minutes, there are more fixed costs updates in February’s CPRC minutes: Clinical Negligence sub £25k proposals were not reported on in February. Reporting was delayed to 1 March. Master Cook confirmed progress was ongoing. An update therefore remains awaited. New Section X for Fixed Costs Determination to be introduced.…

Are breakdowns of disbursements necessary?

Avi Dolties Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust v Hoskin The main issue to be considered was whether the receiving party was required to provide a breakdown of a medical agency fee. The substantive claim was settled in 2020 when the Claimant accepted the Defendant’s part 36 offer. The claim for costs was agreed save for…

Associate Promotions!

MRN are excited to announce 3 of its senior staff members have been promoted to Associates with effect from May 2023. Samantha Rowles (Head of Costs – Manchester), Vikki Weinrich-Cooke (Head of Costs – Leeds) and Holly Archbold (Head of Commercial Costs Team) have all been promoted to Associate. Speaking on the promotions, MRN’s Managing Director Elliot…

Litigation Round Up

Matthew Waring Litigant in Person Costs: Michael Earl Wilson v John Forster Emmott [2023] EWHC 816 (KB) The thorny issue of whether a Solicitor should be restricted to Litigant in Person costs was considered. There have been a number of cases over the years which deal with this, however much of the issue turns on…

Part 36 Round-Up!

Avi Dolties Part 36 Round-Up IEH v Powell [2023] EWHC 1037 (KB) – ‘in righteousness shall you judge’ Leviticus 19:15-16 In this matter, the Court deliberated as to whether the normal Part 36 consequences should apply in the case of a child who sustained a serious brain injury where the Claimant had accepted a Part…

Court of Protection Update (15th May)

Rebecca Mogford As many practitioners will be aware of, the assessment of Court of Protection bills has been somewhat of an issue in the last 12 months+. There have been significant delays in the processing side and the actual assessment of the bills. However, the Court have been pro-active in trying to keep everyone up…