Troy Foods v Manton [2013] EWCA Civ 615

‘Alarm bells!!! –Just because costs are approved in the budget does not mean they are proportionate’ The case concerned a breach of contract claim that fell under the Mercantile Court costs management pilot and the budget approved by HHJ Kaye QC in Leeds. At the CCMC the Claimant’s revised costs budget totalled £129,176 and the…

A Court of Appeal Warning on Costs Budgets

A much anticipated Court of Appeal ruling has been made public today where it upheld a stringent judgment in a landmark case which establishes the court’s post-Jackson hardline approach to costs budgeting. In a judgment released this morning, the court refused relief from sanctions to the firm representing Andrew Mitchell in his libel action over…

APIL calls for big uplift in guideline hourly rates

The guideline hourly rates (GHR) should be increased by nearly a fifth if access to justice is going to be protected, the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) has claimed. Meanwhile, City solicitors have accused the Civil Justice Council (CJC) costs committee investigating the GHR of pursuing a “flawed” approach that, if implemented, could reduce…


A Warning on Funding Enquiries and Hourly Rates – Get them right or suffer the Costs Consequences Background This was a case for personal injury resulting from a tripping accident occurring in 2008. The matter was conducted by 2 parties, firstly by Falcon Legal Service ltd, through whom the Claimant trades as a sole practitioner,…